Darkhaus Darkhaus - The Fire Within

Hopelessly helpless, I've fallen for your lies
And if I had to guess, I'd guess a thousand times
(Maybe more)

Now my patience grows weary. I'm caring to a fault
And maybe that's what makes it easy for you to
Bring me down to the ground

So, I'll bring the fuel if you'll burn the match
These memories, now effigies. It's happenstance
Or that what you wished for

Fire! The fire within!

Voices grow silent, we stare off into walls
While the others play those games we played ourselves
Back in time

Now our feelings are calloused and broken
Is it wrong for us to throw this all away
Just do the same things again and again?

You'll get what you wish for!

I cried over you and I tried to detach
But it's hard to leave while still believing this romance
Is all that we live for